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Which are the most expensive Italian wines?

Barolo Collina Rionda by Bruno Giacosa, Amarone Classico riserva by Giuseppe Quintarelli and Masseto these are the most expensive Italian bottles

Read for you by Donatella Cinelli Colombini

Giacosa Collina Rionda, Barolo (dark label)

Giacosa Collina Rionda, Barolo (dark label)

This is a list where all the Italian producers would like to see their bottles, a list which transforms the appreciation of the critics and the market in prices company income, in other words the economical prize for the many efforts, risks and all the passion that goes into every drop of wine.
The list comes from Intravino which advises the Italians to spend in great National bottles the increases in the pay packets promised by Renzi, the prime minister. Maybe the money will not be enough but it would certainly make those who made this decision very happy. These are in fact exceptional bottles, maybe even better than foreign wines with inaccessible prices. It all begins with the information from Winesearcher the portal that fishes for prices from a database of 44.439shops all over the world. The list of the most expensive wines is based on their average price regarding several vintages and without taxes (our VAT).