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The new wine contests have a female jury

Daniela Scrobogna

The new wine contests have a female jury

Women have more importance now as wine experts, producers, buyers and consumers, 4 wine contests underline this with all female juries

Daniela Scrobogna

Daniela Scrobogna

During the past 10 years the importance of women’s opinion regarding wine has constantly grown in importance at the same rate as the increase in numbers and competence of the consumers. At the end of the 20th century, among the tasters of the “Guida dei vini del Gambero rosso” there were only men, today Eleonora Guerini “Lady Wine” has a high level role like Daniela Scrobogna in “Duemilavini” by Bibenda AIS.

The most striking manifestation of the increase of importance of the weaker sex regards wine contests with entirely female juries, there are at least 4 of them:

Wine Women Want” – National Women’s Wine Competition that took place in Santa Rosa California in 2007 and 2008, next edition September 2012.

Femmes et Vins du Monde” takes place in Monaco, it’s reserved to wines

Eleonora Guerini

Eleonora Guerini

with an appellation and it too has an all female jury, the President is the wine maker Régine Le Coz. www.femmesetvinsdumonde.com

Féminalise” , Beaune in France, reserved to French wines with an appellation that are blind tasted by 350 female experts. First edition was in 2007 next edition April 19th 2012. The propose also an interesting guide with the same title www.feminalise.com

Premios Vino y mujer” 5th edition 21-23 March 2012 in Spain, has a female jury which judges wines made by women. www.vinoymujer.com

Premios vino y Mujer

Premios vino y Mujer

Practically there is a race in affirming the greater importance on women’s opinion regarding wines that has no geographical boundaries. If the contests with the best bottles with a female jury are becoming important in Europe the nations where the female wine buyers are more important are India and Japan. In fact in Japan the magazine “Real Wine Guide” has the drawing of a woman on the cover of every edition.

The awareness of women’s role in the wine world is well expressed by the organizers of The Spanish contest, which is presented by

Premios Vino y Mujer 2

Premios Vino y Mujer 2

the organizers as << the only competition in the world which emphasizes wines cared for by women in the various occupational ambits>>. The goals of this event are to <<give tribute to women who work in this sector, who have always been involved in grape growing and the creation of wines >>because << more than 50% of wine buyers today are female >> .

The two French contests, regardless of the all female juries, render homage to the whole wine world and not just to women. The competition in Monaco speaks of the association that promotes it saying <<it is a young network of dynamic and enthusiastic women and men coming mostly from the wine world, and it has devolved during the years >> and that it regards <<34 nations and more than 300 men and women animated with the same passion for wine, the Vineyard and friendship>>.

Femmes et vins du monde

Femmes et vins du monde

There is no wine making feminism here and no political parties behind the desire to increase the importance of women in wine tasting. Quite the contrary ! All of these initiatives are strictly connected tot o the market and its recent evolutions. Didier Martin after having observed that << l’impact économique des femmes sur le monde du vin>> has had << l’ idée originale de créer le concours des Féminalise en 2007>>. In his opinion too women have major roles in the consumption of wine, in fact in France, Germany, and USA…. More than <<70% des femmes qui achètent le vin pour leur foyer>> and it is for this reason that << la médaille Féminalise sonne alors comme un point de repère pour ces nouvelles acheteuses et consommatrices. >>

So, the new protagonists of the wine market, women, find in contests with an all female jury a sort of celebration for their role and end up orienting more and more importers and buyers..

Read for you by Donatella Cinelli Colombini